Not been able to access Beta since Beta2

Hi all,

I’ve not been able to load the Beta since V2. Constantly met with this error. I’ve tried to log out and quit, but the app freezes on the startup logo animation… Realy frustrating.

Screenshot 2022-06-30 at 22.35.46

What do I need to do?


Did you got a login dialog and logged in with exact same credentials as here in the forum? Authorized via your webbrowser?

Hi George,

A long time ago I provided the incorrect L & P. I’ve never been able to get back to it since to correct or change :frowning: - No idea how to recall the L & P screen.

You can follow the same guide for complete Wappler removal also for the beta with the only difference that the user folder to delete is called “Wappler 5 Beta”

For the rest follow:

Hi again George…

So I followed the steps and still the same thing.

1 - Binned the Application from the Apps Folder (I’m on an Intel Mac)
2 - Deleted the folder Wappler Beta from Application Support
3 - Downloaded the latest Beta - here v7
4 - Installed and Launched

It’s as if the L&P are held somewhere else? I’ve even deleted my Wappler folder to no aval…

Same error :confused:

You really need to delete the new folder “Wappler 5 Beta” and not just “Wappler Beta” as this is from the older Wappler 4 beta

Hi George…

I’ve deleted absolutely everything - all folders etc…
Still same error :frowning: I spent three hours last night, deleting, downloading etc


Here is a video of the steps I’ve taken and the issue…

Hi team,

Would it be possible to get an update on this please?

We are working on overhaul of the login procedure that will solve your problems and it will be available in the next beta.

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@George @patrick - Thanks both - all working now :grinning:

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