NodeJS SPA with Title option for internal links

Hey there!

I noticed that when I create a button with a dynamic attribute to “Go to” a certain URL, if I check the “Internal” option (1), I can change the title of the page (2), and that’s great! :clap:

BUT, as you can see on my image below, when I check this option on a simple link (1), like in my navbar, this “title” option is not showing, I guess its intentional, but shouldn’t we be able to change the title on links as well? I mean, not only when we use a dynamic attribute.
Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 11.57.28


I asked the same somewhere.
The solution I received from Wappler team is to use title attribute in the tag.

<a href="/news" title="Some News Title">News</a>

OR, bind it dynamically:

<a href="/news" dmx-bind:title="'Title: ' + var1.value">News</a>
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Thank you! I’ll try it! :pray: