NodeJS and ( Just Wondering )

Yes that is the next step :slight_smile:


Next week’s update and another Christmas Present? :smiley:

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I’ve been waiting for a long time to be able to use namespace and room. Will it take more time?

Hello @patrick are there any news about namespace and room ?

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Its coming soon: Thursday, the most unproductive day

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That’s for Stripe. I believe Serhat wants the ability to open sockets to single users or a group of them instead of broadcasting.

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yes guys , I need this for a group or a single user. I didn’t expect it to take that long to add this feature.

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Well we just have some higher priority features and improvements to integrate first.
I understand that everybody thinks their feature request is the most important, but that’s not always the case.

Oh. I thought webhooks was related to socket stuff. Damn. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I’m also looking forward to it. Because of this, the development of the messenger is completely frozen. :slightly_frowning_face:


I must admit that I am a bit disappointed that Wappler did not give more priority to a function that many of us believe is a great advance for our developments and to be able to definitively move to the NodeJs technology. I also thought that after the holidays it was going to be a priority to keep improving the implementation. But I also understand what Teodor says that we all have our priorities and not all projects are the same and have the same requirements. Sometimes I feel like they are developing a little of each thing but none in depth. That said, I want you to know that I appreciate a lot the effort that the entire Wappler team is putting into polishing bugs and making Wappler more stable.


Currently we have given more priority to fixing bugs, so as long as they are high priority bugs, we can’t move on to new major features.

But we are almost there :slight_smile:


Very true. But my hope is that with more time spent on bugs, comes more fully developed features, with fewer new bugs, when ultimately released.

I agree with all the previous comments across the forum suggesting that the previous pace was just not sustainable and that the product became too unstable.

I would also call upon everybody here to avoid casually working around bugs—please take a moment to provide an actionable bug report. The Team spends much more time building Wappler, not building WITH Wappler, so it falls on us to report the bugs. You can argue with that approach, but it is the reality.

I appreciate The Team catching up on some technical debt! It will take a few cycles to catch up though.


Special update for you this week :slight_smile:


You always support . Thank you very much .

@Teodor , @George , @patrick
I will have good news for you about 1 month later :slight_smile:

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Thnks @George and Wappler team, this is amazing news!!!