New Visual Data Picker

What's wrong with showing both? :slight_smile:

== (Equal to)
!= (Not equal to)

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A good idea. I was also going make a request suggesting there really should be an option to copy expressions.

I like this idea!

That is why we made the visual expression builder as preview first so you can all provide us with great feedback and additional ideas!

So keep them coming!

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Do note in general that most of the expressions you type on your page are just simple data bindings. Maybe concatinated with some string.

That is the primary target for our e press ion builder.

Maybe 1 of 20 expression is a conditional expression but those are rare.

So maybe it’s not that bad idea to hide the complete conditional details but give you on first view the involved field and if you want to learn more - you can hover for details.

There's nothing exactly wrong with it, but it will make expressions longer, with little benefit I would have thought. It seems many expressions will become more difficult to see (without hovering over them with mouse, as mentioned earlier in this thread); increasing their length will make this worse. Also, I would have thought many people would find it easier to read:
myVar >= 2
myVar Greater than or equal to 2
The first version is certainly a lot more concise and I expect most people are very familiar with these symbols. With the less familiar operators, words are not going to help anyway. Eg I don't think
7 % 5
is any easier to understand than
7 modulo 5

I just mean visually adding text here in the list, not in the code itself. Or a tooltip or something. I as a non-technical person doesn’t know what all those operators mean. It just makes it easier to learn and use.


I see - I think that’s a good idea.

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Yes @Teodor , You are right, there may be such problems. I understand you, very well . what I want to say is that the wrong feature is being added when trying to add a good feature. Example: I solve some server-side problems with small snippets of code, as patrick's suggestion. Now this will be very difficult or impossible. In this case, I will have to make sure that wappler meets all the requirements before starting a project. I'm sure many users will think of it. ( yes @TomD I agree with you )

Apart from these, I have a different idea (actually wondering) why you are not planning to switch to an interface like workflow / diagram. In this way, we can have a very clear interface and a wider working area.

This would be great for wappler 3.0. and . In this way, we try to compress many things in a narrow space field.

Could you explain that more in detail? Maybe add a small sketch/mockup?

of course @George ,
there are 3 fields on the left side (Server, Action and Properties). After selecting the server, a diagram area that opens to the right, and “new action steps” that can be added visually within this area, can be set up a large space for the properties area when these properties are clicked on.

Also, flowing like an algorithm in this way will be much more understandable and will help a lot when dealing with more complex tasks. The current situation also has a very narrow space. When we think in this way, I think there will be a more comfortable working space for the wappler team. :slight_smile:

I couldn’t prepare a very nice diagram, but I hope you understand what I mean.


Great idea. I already had made a similar feature request based on how works. Maybe their UI can give you some ideas @George

Another great example of this type of flow which I think would be great to add is here


yes this is what i mentioned. @nevil , @datguru However, wappler is much more powerful but it can be more understandable as in these examples. Maybe @George agrees with us ??? . and we can use this amazing feature soon. This is a feature that will excite all users.

better than this feature is realtime data (websocket) :sweat_smile:

Yes, let’s hope for V3.0 !

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If I am not mistaken 3.0 is scheduled for May so I am assuming it won’t be done by then.

The kind of UIs you are proposing tend to make maintenance of apps more complicated. It all looks very nice when you have a diagram with 8 objects in it. But when you are building a real app and you have 50 objects with arrows, conditionals and loops it drives you crazy.

I prefer the current approach. Can it be improved? Of course. As with everything.

I miss a contextual menu on right click that allows additional actions like some of the ones proposed here.


this is not app workflow . it is only for server connect ..

I think my vote is for the way the visual tags are going but with the ability to either right-click and get more contextual stuff or double-clicking to see the full code snippet with the ability to edit as needed - or both! The big visual diagram can, in my view, make things even more complicated unless done in a very specific way which I suspect would be different for each of us.