New Account Website Issues

Tried out the new Wappler Account website. Here are few of my observations that can be improved.

  1. Active subscription shows 0 amount. I have auto-renewal off.
  2. No Wappler installations are listing. I assume this is looking for Wappler 5.
  3. Subscription tab shows “Continue Subscription”. Not sure what it means.
  4. Payment method shows the same card three times.
  5. Sign Out should not be a tab option. Bad UX. Already have a signout option in top right.
  6. Mobile responsive design needs work.
    a. Showing the tab options always just takes up about 30% of the screen. A drop down would be better I think.
    b. The “Logged in as…” is not showing anywhere in mobile view.
    c. Add some bottom padding to the footer.
  7. Is this not made in Wappler?
  8. Lastly, why is this not an SPA? Would be interested in knowing the reason for the choice. We prefer making all our projects SPAs.
  1. I will check in which cases it would show 0 as amount, it should not do that.
  2. The Wappler Installations is indeed Wappler 5 only
  3. The Continue is shown when you’ve canceled the subscription, so will turn the auto renewal on again
  4. I’ll check that, probably the card is stored 3 times in your account
  5. The Sign Out in the top right will disappear on small screens and the the one in the menu only remains
  6. I agree, making it collapsible on mobile would be better
  7. This one indeed doesn’t use App Connect, the previous dashboard did
  8. For security and performance we decided to do the rendering serverside

Could you explain why you guys are not using Wappler (AppConnect) and SPA in your own website? I beleive the apps we make with Wappler as SPA are secure, is that not the case?


I’ve made some changes to the account website. The price is removed for now since stripe doesn’t include it anymore in the result and would require an extra api call.

Continue Subscription has been changed to Reactivate Subscription to make it more clear what it does.

Seems there were indeed 3 cards stored with your stripe account, I removed the duplicates.

Sign Out is removed from the nav, it is now only in the header, change the link into a button

The site uses the latest Bootstrap 5.2 Beta which isn’t available yet in Wappler, we decided for this because it support customization using css variables and we wanted to have theme support. Currently it chooses dark/light theme depending on your OS theme.

I’ve done a lot of the design within Wappler, but the website is a complete custom node application and I copied the parts I designed in Wappler into ejs views for the app.

Sure, SPA is also secure, you use the same data, only difference is that it is now rendered on the server instead. It is possible that I will make it more like a SPA later since the header, nav and footer don’t change and we could do a partial load of the content instead like the content pages with Wappler. Then I will probably use App Connect for that.

There are more features coming to the account website like more authentication methods, manage multiple licenses for business accounts etc.

Thanks for the update Patrick.

I would recommend to show the logged in user’s name in mobile hader, and change the button to link to fit it all in two lines - same height as Wappler logo.

One more thing about reactivating subscription - the reason why I have auto-renew off is because of Indian Bank rules and loads of failed payments when in auto-mode. Not sure if they have been fixed by Stripe yet, but please look into the flow where I should be able to make a payment next year, when my subscription expires… without having to trouble George for a payment link. :sweat_smile:

I still don’t get why this is not being built in Wappler. It throws a negative light on Wappler/AppConnect, even thought I am sure its capable of handling all the things.
If the owners/developers of Wappler have to use anything other than Wappler does not sound good.
For BS5 beta, authentication methods etc, Wappler beta 5 should be used. It not only allows you guys to test your own app, but also add new features. You already have a beta/stable channel & IDE setup.

There might be some other complexities that might require you to not use Wappler that you haven’t shared, but from what I read and see so far, it should be made in Wappler.