Nested multi-reference insert

I’ve been using the subtable feature on insert/update along with form repeats and they work great.

Now trying to include a subtable multi-reference inside a multi-reference of a subtable.

Table structure is:


Every quote has a multitude of prices and prices have a multitude of transhipments.

In the db manager, prices properly shows all fields as a subtable of quotes.

However, transhipments does not display all fields. The subtable multi-reference under prices is seen, but it does not show all columns.

Wappler shows:

External db manager shows:

I was expecting to see the transhipments subtable here (but it does not):

Can anybody see any errors with this structure?

Are nested subtables multi-reference tables supported?

I have used nested subtables, but only for select/query.
No idea about insert.

The missing columns could be because they are used by the nested logic to be filled automatically by the parent identitiy value.

I’ve gone berserk with a lot of CRUD success.

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Thanks guys for the input.

It looks the difference for me is these are multi-reference tables, not subtables (I’ve edited the title).

I’ve tried to recreate using the wappler db manager and run into similar issues.

@patrick Let me know if I can provide anything here to assist.

I believe it is currently only possible to insert/update a single level deep, so the main table and its sub tables, not the sub tables within sub tables. With querying it is possible to have multiple levels of sub tables.

Thanks for the confirmation…I’ll stop trying. :slight_smile: Can easily go another route on this.