You know there's a playlist from @Hyperbytes?:
Wappler 5.0/ 6 Quickstart
Developing a full web app in node.js with Wappler, this course will cover from initial install of Wappler to final product with detailed examples of using components along with discussion of the concept of development and why we do things in certain ways.
And one from @ben:
Boutique - Part 1
Boutique - Part 2
An e-commerce application using Wappler, NodeJS, SQLite, Bootstrap and Stripe
So there you have some hours to learn about the software.
Now, about your problem with navigation links, sorry, I can't understand the video.
It won't work if you hit active
as a static thing, you need to know when it needs to be active
, that's why I made the example of class toggle
, you can use the style active
on the input and then call it the way you want/need like "when you're on dashboard or revenue"