Mobile Apps: Security Enforcer

Hi Brad, is the session the server session (which would normally be checking for a cookie) so if that was set at the default 30 days after 30 days the user would still have access even though the “cookie” session has expired?
So by checking you are effectively replicating the cookie?

Unfortunately no. The device will on random intervals end all ‘garbage’ sessions. So there is no rhyme or reason to when the logout happens. If a user uses it everyday by my testing they will always be logged in.

There is some third party cordova plugins to keep sessions alive indefinitely but I am not smart enough to use cordova plugins.

There is also .htaccess ways to keep the session alive but I have not gotten it to work.

Thanks Brad, clever solution, I am working on a simple app restricted to registered users (the clients customer list) so luckily I have some leeway with user access.

The next project will be more challenging but at least I can do “live” testing with this first app :blush:

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