Mobile app framework7 on-click redirect from repeat list based on query params

Thanks for your answer - from what I understand;

  1. condition should be like next?

    condition: { if: "{{app.main.f7page.repeatUrgences[].statut_intervention==4}}", then: {

  2. I need to set the Redirect steps with dynamic ID

    run: { action: "{{browser_sub.goto('/assignation/'+app.main.f7page.repeatUrgences[].id_inter)}}", name: "RedirTraitementLoc" }
    This way?

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I will!

And from what i see, in your case you either need to use params for the page flow and pass the clicked record location_pret and status_intervention , or just apply an inline flow for the repeat items onclick event.

I tryed this, then asked myself how to set the value on click, maybe I just need to set the param so I can use it? I’m missing somthing