MenuBar and Side menu

I have a NavBar menu with Toggler that opens a vertical menu
I would like the vertical menu to occupy only a left column of the screen, possibly obscuring the rest of the page with a filter in transparency In practice I would like to open a side menu
Is it possible with Wappler without having to resort to external codes?
I searched the comunity but I didn’t find what I was looking for
I thank those who can tell me something

@Miwa has a really nice side menu on the site he is developing, you may want to look at the code behind that using your browser’s view-source or speak direct



Hi Brian, thank you so much for the introduction!

by the way, I’m a :woman:


So sorry, I did check your profile as I was unsure but there is no gender stored. Wonder how many other :woman: we have in here we dont know about. I was thinking the forum seems a bit :man: dominated.


Hi @Miwa,

What you’ve done with your collapsible menu bar is exactly what I’m trying to do. I’m really new with Wappler and I’m not a programmer. Would you be so kind as to let me know how you built it? Maybe you can post a screen capture of the App Structure showing the different elements. One of the problems that we newcomers to the platform have is to know which of the many elements in Bootstrap s/b used to do anything (and in which order :grinning: )

Many thanks in advance,



Actually I’m not using Bootstrap on Wappler. I bought the template from the third party and modified it. You can buy similar templates online and do the same thing as I did.

Thanks Miwa. But it’s not what I’m good at. May I inquire why you preferred not to use Bootstrap? I may be wrong, because this is Day 3 for me with Wappler, but Bootstrap seems to be an integral part of (and very much ingrained in) Wappler…

Hi Alex,

Before using Wappler, I had already built design part outside, with HTML and CSS. So I didn’t want to waste my time to create the design from scratch even with Wappler again. That is the main reason I don’t use Bootstrap here. If you don’t have experiences to write HTML and CSS so much, I would recommend you to use Bootstrap on Wappler, as you mentioned it is very much ingrained in it.

Many thanks,


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Hi Marzio,
Did you manage to find how to do this in Wappler?
I’m interested too!

Many thanks,

I’m sorry but then I resolved by intervening on the code