Medium editor produced <ul > and <ul>

Looks like the medium editor generates <ul > and <ul>. Can you please fix this?

Can you please explain the exact problem in more detail, is it that the medium editor doesn’t create a closing tag for the ul tag or is it some other problem?

The medium editor is producing spaces when updating anything in the cms from <ul> to <ul > or <p> to <p >

Also when I add text after a list Wappler adds <div > code after it like this:

<ul><li>Test</li><li> Test </li><li> Test </li></ul><div ><p> Test </p><p> Test </p><p><br></p></div>

in the update field I use values like this:

{{$_POST.NewsText_de.stripTags().trim() != “” ? $_POST.NewsText_de : “”}}