Master -> Detail Relationship

So what works is to build two tables using

one with show and the other with hide.

Then if I wrap the whole region with the show=“id.value”, maybe that will work.

why do you keep checking the id.value?

This is what I have finally got to display.

As for the id.value, it was in the tutorial to hide the detail table. Once a record was clicked it revealed the table. I have no idea why.

The video shows what the final results are.

Recording.mp4 (3.0 MB)

It looks crazy, but it works. Ha!

Here’s the code:

<div class="col-sm-12">

	<h2><i class="fa fa-refresh">&nbsp;</i>Career Inbound Orientation <span class="pull-right">

		<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" id="initiate_inbound_btn" dmx-on:click="browser1.goto('../email/send_mo_email.php')"> <i class="fa fa-envelope-o">&nbsp;</i>Send Email</button>

	</span> </h2>

	<p class="below-20">This page list the inbound orientation submissions for career missionaries.</p>


<div class="col-sm-12"> Today's Date: <?php echo $today; ?> </div>

<!-- /.col-sm-12 -->

<div class="below-50">

	<div class="col-sm-6">

		<h4 class="page-header above-20"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-out">&nbsp;</i> Career Inbound Orientation Submission List </h4>

		<p class="text-danger" dmx-hide=""> At this time {{[0].firstName}} there are no inbound orientation submissions on file. </p>

		<p class="text-primary" dmx-show=""> {{[0].firstName}} below is the current data on file. Click row to view the details.</p>

		<!-- LIST BELOW -->

		<div class="table-responsive small" dmx-show="">

			<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed">


					<tr class="small">


						<th width="100">Acct</th>

						<th>Country / Field</th>

						<th width="100">Submitted</th>



				<tbody is="dmx-repeat" dmx-generator="bs3table" dmx-bind:repeat="" id="tableRepeat1">

					<tr dmx-on:click="id.setValue(career_inbound_id)">

						<td>{{first_name}} {{last_name}}</td>








		<!-- LIST ABOVE -->


	<!-- /.col-sm-6 -->

	<div dmx-show="id.value">

	<div class="col-sm-6" dmx-show="">

		<h4 class="page-header above-20"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-out">&nbsp;</i>Career Inbound Orientation Missionary Detail </h4>

		<p class="text-primary">Below is the current details for this record.<br></p>

		<!-- LIST BELOW -->

		<div class="table-responsive small">

			<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed">


					<tr class="small">


						<th width="100">Account</th>

						<th>Country / Field</th>

						<th class="text-center">Departure</th>

						<th width="100">Submitted</th>



				<tbody id="tableRepeat2" is="dmx-repeat" dmx-generator="bs3table" dmx-bind:repeat="">

					<tr class="table-responsive">

						<td>{{first_name}} {{last_name}}</td>



						<td class="text-center">{{departure_date}}</td>






		<!-- LIST ABOVE -->


	<!-- /.col-sm-6 -->


	<!-- /id.value -->

	<div dmx-show="id.value">

	<div class="col-sm-6" dmx-hide="">

		<h4 class="page-header above-20"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-out">&nbsp;</i>Career Inbound Orientation Missionary Detail </h4>

		<p class="text-primary">Below is the current details for this record.<br></p>

		<!-- LIST BELOW -->

		<div class="table-responsive small">

			<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed">


					<tr class="small">


						<th width="100">Account</th>

						<th>Country / Field</th>

						<th class="text-center">Departure</th>

						<th width="100">Submitted</th>




					<tr class="table-responsive">

						<td colspan="5" class="text-uppercase text-center text-danger">Missionary has not submitted the detail info. <a href=" submit your missionary information today."><i class="fa fa-envelope">&nbsp;</i>Send Notice</a></td>





		<!-- LIST ABOVE -->


	<!-- /.col-sm-6 -->


	<!-- /id.value -->


<!-- /.row -->

add more action to not show it when the serverconnect is executing. didn’t you think you should not show the table if the serverconnect is still waiting for the server?:sweat_smile: && !sc_career_orientation_staff_list.state.executing

And here you don’t need the id.value remove it.
put this in the second div show. && !sc_career_orientation_staff_detail.state.executing

why do you hide it if there is items in query? if that is intentional then change it to this:

remove the id.value
and change the second div from hide to show. and add this:
! && !sc_career_orientation_staff_detail.state.executing

i may have made mistakes but im not used to search for events in code view.

The reason it was hidden is because I wanted the right-side detailed data hidden until a row on the left-side is clicked.

I was unfamiliar with the .state.executing – where can I go to learn more about this type of functions?

Thanks! I really appreciate the help.

J. R. Black

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i just play around with this stuff :sweat_smile:

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