Local target check

I am trying to configure a local folder for publishing Wappler project. The webserver URL is a local address - http://docswww/website.com & local folder points to the local file system path where website.com folder is.
I am getting the “connection to local web server failed” error when I click test connection. I am using WAMP.
But, if I just save the entry and publish, everything seems to be working fine.

The Web Server URL should look like

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I have a virtual host set as “docswww”… so the settings look like this:

If you paste http://docswww/eeexp.com into a browser address bar, does a page load?

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Yes, the default page - eg: index.php or index.php
If the default page is not there, directory browsing is shown.

Pages can be loaded by specifying full path - eg: http://docswww/eeeexp.com/home.php

can you try

please paste this url into a browser address bar
if your pages load then use this url into wappler “Web Server URL”

if you are using URL-REWRITE on virtual machine
you have to change some configuration

if you are using different name “localhost” you have to change configuration on hosts file in your windows machine .

did you change anything on your hostsfile or on apache conf files ?

Wappler will work very well if your server configuration default configuration or If you know what you’re doing

Localhost is pointing to another folder on the local file system, so eeexp.com will not work with that URL.

As for re-write, I am using WAMP’s built-in virtual host option, which changes Apace conf file to serve files from different folders under different aliases. In this case, ‘docswww’ & ‘localhost’ both point to different folders in the system.
If Wappler can work only when ‘localhost’ is present in the URL for local config, then there is no option for me but to switch to localhost alias.

It should work with any alias, I identified the bug and think it will be fixed in today’s update, let us know if it works after updating Wappler.

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Fixed in version 1.6.2

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