Local Publishing Issues

Hi George.
I have posted an issue in the post about updates in FTP/Target section.
Besides that, another issue I am facing is that when I click publish, all the folders, subfolders and files inside them are getting copied to the WAMP’s local path, but the files that are in the root are not getting copied.

Everytime I click publish, it shows below message:

But, if I just save the file, it gets uploaded.

This is my project target setting:

Another issue. After working on it a few times and saving the file, when I click Publish again, I get the below error:

are you having your Web Server ULR correct? As ben said in:

as your http://docswww

doesn’t seems like a valid web site url, also not on local server

The URL http://docswww is an additional virtual host set in WAMP.

The publish only publishes files that are newer, so when the project files are older then the files in your WAMP server it will not copy any file. After a save when a target is selected it will always update that file on the target.

Perhaps you could restart Wappler with Logging enabled and send us the Log when you’ve got the error again.

The file is not being modified outside of Wappler. So, Wappler always has the newest file. And it does copy the file every time I make changes and save.
It just doesn’t work when I manually try to Publish.

Where to send the log file?

You can attach it here or send it to Patrick in a private message.


@patrick private message sent.

This should be solved in the latest version 1.6.3