Listing Files From a Folder seem not working!

I’m on Windows, 3.7.4
Until Lesson “You can see the files, listed on the page:” all was ok
even the tags fields choosed are orange ( instead blue?)

At the end only Table Header is generated.

PS:I’m a new user and i currently test WAPPLER possibilities, and i really want to buy a professional Licence soon as possible

Cheers all

Please check for errors in your API Action as explained here:

File C:\Users\vincs\Desktop\test\public\api\listFiles not found.

The name of the ‘action’ is listFiles,
and the file created is C:\Users\vincs\Desktop\test\app\api\listFiles.json

I ve created a php project

PS: i try first to do the lesson course with the last version of wappler

How are your files setup? I’ve never used this component but the paths are different it looks like its trying to find the folder in a different area from where the file is created, I maybe wrong and im sure the more experienced members can help more

Yes, it’s a path creation , or project configuration path problem. I will search why there is a public in my ‘result’ path

File C:\Users\vincs\Desktop\test\public\api\listFiles not found.

There is something very wrong with your project. The server connect actions shouldn’t be in your public folder but under the project root app.