Linkedin Post not excepting URL

Have been asked why a Linkedin post won’t correctly show the URL from a website built with Wappler on its routing/rewriting.

URL is:

Below is what appears in the LinkedIn post panel, any ideas as to the problem, is it the spaces (%20) causing the issue?

Take a look at this! :sunny:

Thats great Antony, thank you so much.

do you know if you can make the tags dynamic?

For Node Js:

Thank you, but this site is php not js node

Unfortunately i’m not sure this is available in PHP or it is not supported by Wappler. I could be wrong though I only really use Node JS so this could have changed :slight_smile:

I have added some og tags but LinkedIn still shows the dynamic info on the page as the Wappler tags, {{serverconnect1.dataquery[0].example}}

On Facebook everything works fine!

Facebook may have updated their code to allow getting javascript based meta tags not all social media sites support this, some expect the tags to be done server side and will not use the javascript for the meta tags.

Looks like it might be possible with custom code again not sure this is natively supported:

This is how I did it with PHP, as @Sorry_Duh says…

I have a similar method for all my pages already.

The issue with LinkedIn is not so much the meta tags but that it is unable to read the Wappler dynamic tags {{}}.
I’m guessing because LinkedIn can’t or won’t read the Javascript?

That’s correct, Linkedin does not parse javascript data in the meta tags.

@cknight, isn’t it the case that if you use the method proposed above, your PHP will serve pure metatags with no {{}} content?

Maybe I don’t fully understand the limitations of LinkdIn compared to Facebook… :thinking:

That’s correct, it will serve the rendered data.

In the image posted above its the page data which is not showing, not the meta data, again I’m guessing LinkedIn either wont render Javascript ot it doesnt like the Wappler {{}} tags

Yes, that’s the issue and it is the same i am saying.