Limit query results

Please post a screenshot of the join dialog.

in the actual MySql database? Or in Wappler? not sure what you mean here.

You are setting up the join in Wappler, right? If yes, then please make a screenshot of the join dialog there.

isn’t that this?

No… this is the query builder, not the join dialog. The join dialog is the one where you setup the table join… select table columns, condition.

please tell me how i see that after the query is built. I am not sure.

Just select the joined table and click the edit (pencil) button.

That’s because you are using SELECT * and both tables have columns using the same name.
All you need to do is to select the columns from the left side and add it to the query builder, like that:

More about this error is explained here:

perfect - that worked - thank you!

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