Issue with inner joins


I know this was sorted but for some reason, since the new update I am having issues when I put an inner join in on the database.
As soon as I add a join it will not return and query, when I remove the join it works fine.
Is anyone else having this issue or am I doing something wrong?

Using MAC OS

take care about * joker/asterisk queries.
Also as I remember inner/outer/left/right join isnt working on all SQL / Environments Servers (MSSQL/MySQL).

Maybe you forgot to fill a value if not getting back smth from Inner Join. Check first if you really got values linked in both tables

Sorry, don’t follow exactly what you mean, can you explain again?
Not sure if you mean the UI fails or the query fails

Query fails

Have you enabled Debug mode and checked for a 500 error?

4 posts were split to a new topic: Problems with tables join on NodeJS