Is there some lengthy delay in creating database tables/fields after applying changes and having it appear in db.json?


Please see this video. I’m becoming really hesitant with the Database Manager.

  1. Why do the tables disappear when I click “Apply Database Changes”?

  2. Is it normal for the db.json to not initially show the fields?

There seems to be an error displayed under you tables node in the database manager.

Maybe click on it to see what is it about.

If your database is all up and running you can just refresh the tables schema by click on its context menu and choose refresh schema.

The error displayed was immediately after clicking “apply database changes”. You can rewind to the beginning of the video to watch step-by-step.

  1. Why do I need to refresh schema after clicking Apply Database Changes?
  2. Why did the tables I create disappear on Apply Database Changes?
  3. Why did the db.json not have all field parameters immediately after applying the database changes?

I did this in the video.

Also, all fields did eventually show in the Database Manager and in the db.json file, but it took some time. I’m not sure if it was me trying to refresh the schema or if something happening behind the scenes finally finished.

This was after I ended the video for this post.

The issues encountered in TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name') were the next video that followed the video in this post.

The two combined show every step from initial creation of the project to the TypeError.

  • Why do I need to refresh schema after clicking Apply Database Changes?

No this shouldn’t be necessary

  • Why did the tables I create disappear on Apply Database Changes?

well seems something went wrong, you can try to restart Wappler and refresh the database connection.

  • Why did the db.json not have all field parameters immediately after applying the database changes?

We store there the temporary edits, which turn in the full schema when applied.

Anyway in the next Wappler update this issues should be all gone. We have fixed them.

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Fixed in Wappler 5.3.3

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