Is there a video size limit?

Is there a size limit?
I have followed your instructions to the ‘t’.Size of mp4 file is 103 MB
The file is assets/vids/hpnSecure.mp4.
And I see nothing.

There is no a size limit, but for websites a 100mb video is a huge file.
Usually you want to use a video in size up to like a few megabytes.

Also, your link appears to be wrong so I can’t really check your page.

Spelling is the bain of my life.

Well, you applied the background video to an empty container, with height of 0px. There is no way to see the video of the container it’s applied to has a height of 0px.
As it’s explained in the docs:

The video will auto scale to fill the available space

i.e. it fills the width and height of the container it’s applied to.

I set height & width to 50% & still no sight

What do you expect to happen when you set the height in % values for this container?
The short answer is - nothing will happen. It’s nested in the body, which height is auto. 50% of the body height set to auto will do nothing with the container height.

OK – so what do I do?

What do you mean by “what to do?”?
What is your goal, what are you trying to achieve?

Why not put some content in this container as a beginning. Block elements height equals their content height.

See the video on launching the page

How do you expect to see this video when it’s placed as a background of an empty, zero height container?
Are you even sure you need it to be a background video and not a regular video player?

Where’s that to be found??

There is a video component in the components list…

I can see it now and it is taking to long to load.
Thanks again

Yes and that’s because your file is huge.
Please do some research (using Google) to see what are the recommended video file sizes and resolutions for a website. That’s a general and one of the most basic web development topics, so there are plenty of resources explaining this.

You may get better performance by uploading the video to YouTube then using the YouTube embed code in you page. This will allow it to stream properly from the YouTube streaming servers.

Got moving – thanks
How do I get the thing to autoplay

I tried adding autoplay= 1 Thanks again

Did it and it works :slight_smile:

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Is there anything else than putting it in a an iframe
Having done that is there any way I can apply fade in and fade out?

sadly at present the only way to do it is vai an iframe. It would be nice if the Video component copuld be enhanced to use YouTube videos but at the moment it can’t

As to animations,. not in a position to test this idea but you could try putting the iFrame in a container/row/column and applying an animation to them. Not sure if it will work or not but give it a try