Is SSI currently working with nodejs projects?

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Would you be able to squeeze an optional key called options(or whatever name feels appropriate) for ejs related routes?

I can foresee a need to send specific data to ejs files(i.e. layouts) when defining routes. It could be similar to the args in the run js flow action.

Those options would be nice for something like this. Take into consideration that this is following my scribbled approach for routing and not the final one you will implement.


      "path": "/forgot",
      "url": "pages/authentication/layout",
      "options": {
        "id": "forgot", //Pass the body id attribute value.
        "content": "_forgot" // Render the content partial in the layout


if (route.url) {
                app[route.method || 'get'](route.path, (req, res) => {
                    res.render(route.url, route.options);

My layout file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

	<%- include ('../../partials/_head') %>

<body class="application application-offset" is="dmx-app" id=<%= id %> dmx-show="translationLoaded">
	<!-- Application container -->
	<div class="container-fluid container-application">
		<!-- Content -->
		<div class="main-content position-relative">
			<!-- Page content -->
			<%- include (content) %>
			<!-- Footer -->
			<%- include ('../../partials/footer') %>
	<!-- Scripts -->
	<%- include ('../../partials/_footerjs') %>


It was quite straightforward to implement a layout system. There are one or two node modules out there that implement blocks and layouts but you actually don’t need that much to implement a simple system.

1st Edit:

I know this has further implications with App Connect design panel that would need further adaptation and can’t be done without considering how to edit a partial file as an App Connect page. Similar to old SSIs.

2nd Edit:

I can’t add more than 3 consecutive replies or I will be sent to the discourse spam jail.

@patrick this is also how I implemented adding JS files from partials to the head of the layout. In case it inspires you for a better way. My implementation is quite simple and I need to double check that if I call a getScripts from another layout file it only loads scripts that pertain to that layout and not from previous.


<% addScripts(['formatters.js', 'zxcvbn/4.4.2/zxcvbn.js', 'js-sha1/0.6.0/sha1.min.js']) %>
<div class="page-content">


	<%- include ('../../partials/_head') %>
	<%- getScripts() %>

server.js (SO copypasta)

//Add scripts 
app.locals.scripts = [];
app.locals.addScripts = function (all) {
    app.locals.scripts = [];
    if (all != undefined) {
        app.locals.scripts = (script) {
            return "<script src='/js/" + script + "'></script>";
        }).join('\n ');

app.locals.getScripts = function (req, res) {
    return app.locals.scripts;

How far is SSI for Wappler NodeJS away from implementation?

A post was split to a new topic: Docker missing mapping to the new NodeJS views

You can check the docs for what’s being implemented in beta 4:

More options and improvements coming in the next versions.