Is it possible to build a complete dynamic PWA application in Wappler?

I want to build a full-stack dynamic and PWA application with Wappler. PWA application should support every possible feature of PWA. ( Notification, Native device feature, Location, Offline data transaction etc ) .

Can this kind of application be build with Wappler ?

Yes it can all be done but it will boil down to your abilities as a developer to create the functionality you wish to include. Wappler will not do it all for you. ie some packages will need to be included in your builds that are out of the remit of the basic provisions, but they can all be included via the terminal as required. The configuration side will be your domain. Wappler can only aid you so far, but all the tools are there to do what you are asking.

Welcome to Wappler and the community by the way!


I love what you are wanting to achieve. I have made somewhat of an effort which may help you to start. Please have a look at


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