You can achieve this with Wappler and a small amount of help from the community. Wappler has all the filtering you need, that is up to you entirely. You can select the columns to filter against in Server Connect, and base your results and repeat results within them, grouped, ordered, or otherwise. Can apply a multitude of filters client and server side. Can also easily plugin great scripts like Data Tables etc:
And it doesn't stop there! You can export to CSV and Excel, and with plugins (second party scripts etc) and a little Flow here and there pretty much any scripts you want. The Word side is a little different and out of the box Wappler doesn't support it but am sure you could work around it, and again am pretty sure there was a recent post on a user doing just that. For everything else there is this community. Try it out. Subscribe for a month and if you are happy and moving forward subscribe for another, and another, and another!
Welcome to Wappler by the way!