No input parameter in SC action in AC flows

As far as I know, once you submit the form(button or enter) you are making the SC call.

I’ve been trying to fiddle with AC flows in order to run one on form submit and after some steps in the flow submit the actual form with the data. I haven’t progressed much to be honest.

Is there a way to do this?

Use case: when a condition meets I want to show a popup with additional information on submit. Then after the user confirms he understands the information a clicks another button the form would be finally submitted to SC.

This tutorial may give you a push forward. Should be the same for any Server Action.


Thanks @brad

I missed that tutorial, but funny enough I was actually following the same steps. Makes me happy knowing I was following the “wappler” way :smiley:

Anyway, I now understand why I was getting nowhere. There seems to be a bug with flows.

No input parameters available for SC, ergo I wasn’t able to POST the form data.

@George I believe this is your area :slight_smile:

Have you defined the parameter(s) in the flow, under $param?


And have you defined Get variable(s) in your server action?

Also true.

2.8.3 BTW

Then we call George indeed :slight_smile:

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I see input parameters in the Flow Editor:

Can you fill them with dummy bindings and paste the code?

I also have no problems in seeing the Server Connect input ($_GET) parameters in the Flow SC action:

What is different with your case?

It’s an inline flow.
I also don’t see the output action.

serverConnect: {
      url: "dmxConnect/api/stock/all_items.php",
      params: {offset: 0, limit: 10, sort: "title", dir: "ASC", search: "searchterm"},
      name: "sc1",
      output: true
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I think that’s the issue. I’ve just tried with an inline flow - and I see the same problem as you: no parameters can be entered.

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Thanks for helping pinpoint!

I am trying to run the inline flow on the form submit event.



hmm good catch - seems there are some problems with inline flows getting the input parameters of Server Actions. Will investigate.

Btw it is advisable to use page flows instead of inline flows for larger actions like ones containing Server Connect and more than one step.

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Anyway - found the problem and it will be fixed in the next update.

It’s easier to search when it is well pinpointed :slight_smile: @JonL - thanks!

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This has been fixed in Wappler 2.8.4

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