Installing WAMP - missing driver

Your server needs to have the PDO drivers for postgress installed and enabled can you check this?

Can you tell me how i check or install this?

What version of MAMP are you using exactly? thats what i installed, the non pro version

Almost 2 full days on this. If anyone knows a server that will work with PHP / postgres or has any ideas at all - please get in touch. Would love to try wappler before my trial runs out :slight_smile:

Well that is something that doesn’t take 2 days usually, but about 15 mins including the download :slight_smile:

And if you don’t know what a web server is or how to configure one locally, you usually just get a hosting … which is configured properly.
MAMP server which uses PHP works fine with postgres it is just the pdo postgres driver is disabled by default, i don’t know why :slight_smile:

Assuming you are using PHP 7.2.10 with your MAMP installation, you can manually enable it.
Go to C:\MAMP\conf\php7.2.10 and then open the php.ini
Find the following line:
;extension=php_pdo_pgsql.dll and remove the ; in front of it … save the file and restart MAMP.

Just to make this clear- that has nothing to do with Wappler or any of its requirements. That’s all in your server settings and setup.

Question: Is there a specific reason to use postgres as a database and not mysql (which comes with your server)?

By the way, i find WAMP server to be more newbie-friendly as it offers options like this directly in its UI, so you don’t have to deal with the php.ini, instead it’s a matter of just a few clicks to enable postgres driver:

I’ll knock up a tutorial and try and get that done tonight for setting up WAMP on Windows and connecting Wappler

That would be great. I appreciate wappler might not be meant for people like me be if there was a simple tutorial for people that want to develop locally / with existing hosting and a guide on what to do - that would have been amazing. I can’t imagine many people from bubble etc coming over for a look with know how to do all of this stuff.

Have you tried to do what I explained in my post?
Your case is is a bit too specific that’s why it needs such changes in files.
When using a standard PHP/MySQL configuration it will run just fine with the default installation.

Yes sorry to confirm what I mean here is I will show a tutorial on setting up WAMP using MySQL it wont be using Postgres this will just be a simple video tutorial on getting a local environment setup using WAMP (which will be MySQL) to get users running. (just waiting for a Windows 10 ISO to download so I can get this all setup in a virtual machine)

Sorry i meant to reply directly to you - I changed the file and restarted, didnt work so i restarted my laptop too. I checked the file and its definitely edited as you said. Wappler still says it could not find the driver.

I am using postgres because my friend is already running it on AWS and set me up on there. I got pgadmin set up and have sample data in all ready to go haha

@DrNinjamonkey my tutorial might not help then as this will be using MySQL. What this will do is create a local database for you to use (so you wont need to use the AWS one) this will make the setup much easier for you though. I’ll still go ahead and create it because I think it will be useful for bubblers to have the local option and then I’ll get round to creating the shared hosting tutorial.

Mate at this point if you told me I can only get data from a filing cabinet under my desk id give it a go as long as it somehow gets in to wappler! Looking forward to it, thanks.

In the meantime ill give WAMP a go.

This is much easier / cleaner looking. Shame about this. Will get back to it later tonight, need a couple of hours off. Thanks for your help so far - sorry for being so painful to help!


Any specific reason you are using PostgreSQL instead of MySQL?

I am using postgres because my friend is already running it on AWS and set me up on there. I got pgadmin set up and have sample data ready so thought having that side of it done for me (and the support of someone who can help) would make life easier.

I’m going to wipe everything and start again tomorrow. Will try and pick the most common set-up and give it one more go. Unfortunately with a busy weekend I only have tomorrow to get it working, if not then back to it on Tuesday.

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For anyone still following - it finally works! WAMP is much nicer to use. I had to change some of the config files to listen on the correct port before it would let me install the PDO driver but now im connected to my DB and good to go.

Hopefully ill get some time to actually play with wappler before my trial is over!

Thanks everyone for your help.


Hey @DrNinjamonkey glad you got this all sorted. Sorry its late but it may help someone else heres a quick tutorial on how to setup WAMPServer and get it connected to Wappler: How to Setup a local WAMP Environment and connect Wappler (Beginners Get Started Guide to Local Wappler Development)

Thanks - hopefully it will help the next person. I’m really enjoying learning wappler but for someone new the hurdles that come up as you try to set yourself up are seriously intimidating!