I want to dynamically load partials into a page

I have an app with various wizard that I want to dynamically place at the top of the app.

I previously built layout pages for each of these but in an effort to keep the amount of code economical to make maintenance and updates easier using less layout pages.

A partial include would look like this:

<%- await include('/partials/_wizards/_quickplan', Object.assign({}, locals)) %>

Is there a way of making the partial link more dynamic with something like this:

<%- await include('/partials/_wizards/' + varWizard.value, Object.assign({}, locals)) %>

and just change the varWizard variable value when the new content page loads to change the wizard?

Obviously the above code does not work, otherwise I would not have asked.

The method I do not want to use is adding 5 wizards includes on the page inside conditional regions and use the browser component to display on path. That would help a little with making maintenance easier, but not my number 1 requirement.

Found this which makes some sense. Guess best is to start learning to built some Wappler front end components :grimacing:

Then I found this which looks very very promising: