I just wonder

I just wonder. Why there isnt “switch case” and “else if” in server connect ? Else if and switch case are usefull .

Hi Serhat,
You can achieve the same using the Condition steps (which include then/else) - also you can nest conditions steps.

Can you provide a specific case where the Condition steps in Server Connect are not useful and you needed Switch Case?

Everything s/b achievable with if, then, and else but elseif and switch allow for more compact and easy to follow code.
Nested ifs are difficult to visualize in the current UI.

Add to that the fact that Wappler’s UI (still) reverses the order of the then and else statements, showing the else before the then. I’ve seen reports of this bug before, and imo, it s/b a priority to fix it.


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This has already been discussed in a few other topics and feature request has been added.