How to output ServerConnect API data so that an OnClick action can modify it

Is there a way to output the serverconnect API results to a datastore that can later be modified through an OnClick action?

I’ve used a Set Value step to output the serverconnect API results such that they can be displayed on pages, but the object created by the Set Value step does not appear within the available datastores when creating an OnClick action.

I assume there should be a way to populate a formal datastore with the serverconnect API results, but haven’t been able to figure out how… or if there is another way an OnClick action can modify the object/array data coming from a serverconnect API.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Haven’t used client-side API much. But on succes event, you can set the DataStore value using the insert function.
It would look something like: data_store1.insert(

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Hi Sid, sounds like that approach just might work, especially if the entire API data results could be copied into a datastore with a single call upon API success… I’ll give it a try!