How to instruct Node.js to handle a page intended for a different Application server

I am rebuilding a site that is being linked to from different sites. I would like to know if there is a way to instruct Node.js to handle a page request URL intended for a different Application server.
example-- wwww.mypage.a5w?Argument1+…5


You can create routes that match the previous application, or do some processing in “Globals” steps

On a side-note, your example isn’t really easy to understand

Thanks Apple for the response. I hope the following explanation helps.
In the above example the .php tells the server how to handle the request. The values passed to the page are of importance. I am rebuilding my site using Node js Server. I don’t have access to all the links that request ThisPage.php. I do however own the domain and for this example it’s “localhost”. When the request to the domain server for www.ThisPage.php is made, and I have now switched the server from Apache to Node js. How do I setup Node.js to treat any .php request as an .ejs page request? Note the values passed to the page are the only thing of importance.

Hi dra,

I now understand more clearly what you want :slight_smile:

The technical term for what you’re describing is “URL rewrite”, so you rewrite any URL that contains “.php” and remove it

The following NPM package does the job:

The challenge is adding such package as a Wappler server connect extension. You can find an example for another package here:

I learned how to do the above by looking at the below example:

And, lastly, you would need to come up with a regular expression (regex) that captures/selects all of your URL except “.php”. Unfortunately, I’m not really a good regex builder, so here’s another alternative that works by simply replacing “.php” with “” (empty string):

exports.before = function (app) {
  // Remove .php from URL
  app.use((req, res, next) => {
    req.url = req.url.replace(/\.php$/, '');

Well, actually, we’re still using regex. But I used Github Copilot to generate the regex for me :smiley: And you don’t need to install the NPM package anymore

Aside from the regex, I learned to do the above partly from here:

Thanks Apple, this is exactly what I am looking for.