How to create a NEW PROJECT from exisiting website?

Ver 2.4.1
Windows 7

Ok here is the scenario…
I have a few sites that was created back in the day on my WAMP server. Some in dreamweaver others just in plain text editors. So i have now made the move over to Wappler.

The problem for me now comes in when i want to take an existing “project” and use it in Wappler. Please note its just a directory with some files… BUT i now want to use this in Wappler. I have loads of these little websites that needs updating and want to use Wappler now to edit them.

Is there an easier way… because i cant add them a NEW PROJECT… because the folder is not empty…

You can just drag and drop your DW site definition .ste file over the projects dialog and all the settings and files will be loaded into a new Wappler project:

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Thank you @Teodor

In case the project(s) wasn’t created using Dreamweaver:


Hi @Ben thank you for the reply… that worked well… you answered my question regarding non Dreamweaver sites.

A bit of additional info to add to what Ben said…

If your new project is a copy of a project you have previously used in Wappler, you will have to delete the Wappler folder with all the project / target info in it before Wappler will accept it as a new project. You will then need to input new project name and target info after Wappler accepts it.

Sometimes I make a copy of a project when it gets too bloated with test pages but still want to keep the tests for possible use elsewhere. I then delete all the unnecessary stuff from the new project and keep the bloated original as a back up. I was having a hard time getting Wappler to open up the copied folder and thought I’d share because surely I’m not the only one who copies projects…

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It might be worth mentioning for people finding this thread in the future that there is a relatively new option related to the topic - the option to duplicate a project:



Thanks TomD – even better.