How to - App Connect Selector?

Instead of having to set the same dynamic event to every element every time, can I just write script to set App Connect Dynamic Event using Selector ala jquery $(‘element-or-attribute’) ?

Example, using App Connect:
dmx-on:keyup="form_name.inp_name.setValue(value.replace(/\D/g, '').replace(/([0-9])([0-9]{2})$/, '$1.$2').replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d)\.?)/g, ','))"

Example, using Jquery:
$('[data-money]').keyup(function(event) { $(this).val(function(index, value) { return value .replace(/\D/g, "") .replace(/([0-9])([0-9]{2})$/, '$1.$2') .replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d)\.?)/g, ",") ; }); });

<input type="text" data-money>

I want to achieve just as like the above script, but only using App Connect not Jquery. Is there such function in App Connect or should this be a feature request.

Thanks in advance!

Update and a side note to the above, dmx-on:keyup doesn’t work on mobile device, so ended up using Javascript onKeyUp instead.

The purpose of Wappler is get things done visually, as much as possible.
Then there is code view, to tweak your code.
And if that is not enough, you CAN write JS/ASP/PHP code like you have written.

If there is something you can do visually, you should not bother with code. This would seem slower right now, but it is better to do things visually, where possible.

As I understand App Connect itself is a library of scripts just like angular. Wappler is a visual tool that utilises App Connect, Server Connect, BS4 etc. as frameworks for web and app development. Thus my interest here is not only on Wappler as a program but also can be specifically on App Connect framework, which can be achieved visually or by hand coding. I’m trying my best to justify using App Connect as much as possible instead of other libraries like jquery or other 3rd party plugins.

I had an idea of visual scrip builder for App Connect. Submitted a feature request but I think it’s none of interest of most users here.

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That is correct.

That’s because, as i said, it’s supposed to be a visual tool. Script builder is an advanced feature and not something that would be in Wappler’s roadmap… nor have much importance to its users in the current state.