For me it made development more enjoyable - can’t really say anything about time as I haven’t measured those metrics
Very good
Yes, I particularly deal with a lot of data and data processing, and Wappler isn’t really the best at that - be it lack of performance or bugs when handling less usual data structures. In my day job I use Go and I’m very happy with it. For standard web development I still use Wappler. Also, I couldn’t see myself building Facebook’s back-end with Wappler, Laravel still has better practices (e.g.: ORM) than Wappler in my opinion (except for the front-end, Wappler would be fine for that)
It’s my opinion one should learn how “real” developers build web apps, so they can later understand the limitations of Wappler or even work around and create Wappler extensions.
I come from a Laravel (PHP) background, so for that you have Laracasts and Codecourse. You could also learn something else like Flask. Actually, go on Youtube and search for the CS50 playlist, and you’ll learn some of the foundations of computer science and web development along the way
Meet Wappler extensions:
Personally, I still use regular coding for building some internal APIs that are then connected like through HTTP (Wappler’s API Action), because of that data processing thing I do.