How do I send a unique id from a list to another page?

I’m using Framework7. Not sure if that makes a difference, but I want to have a Users page with a list and when I click on a specific user I want to go to the User page and load the user that was clicked on. Could someone help me with the right documentation or steps to do this?

Here’s a demo of what I’m trying to do. The last page is the User page, but it’s currently blank because I’m not passing any value for the user.

I think this post has me going in the right direction. I added :userid to the User route. Now I’m getting the following notification when I try to add the ID to the link on the Users page. What does this mean?

One more post later and I figured it out. The term is called a “route parameter” and the parameter needs to match the database field name.

If I wanted to use the ID field in the User table, then my route needs to be /user:id and then select the id in the link.

Shouldn’t your route be: /user/:id instead of /user:id ?

Thanks @Teodor. I’m sure that will help once I figure out the last couple of steps to actually get it to work. Framework7 doesn’t change the URL, so it always shows index.html and I think I need one more Server Connect action in my Data API project to query for the individual user.

I’m still stuck on this. I have a Users page and a User page. On the Users page I now have a link that has the ID for the User in the URL.

Example: http:localhost:12345/user/1

When I click on this URL the User page display, but I’m not sure how to show data for the individual user.

I have a Server Connect on the User page that will take an ID, but I’m not sure how to setup Wappler to grab the ID from the URL.

@Teodor, any ideas how to do this in Framework7 Desktop app?