How can i use in API Action wit nodejs?

how can i install and use that in my api Action?
I have seen the tutorial for custom extension - but i dont get it :frowning:

Would be cool when you push me in the right direction.

I allready installed that with npm.

Well…the right direction is already documented as “creating custom extensions”. It’s not supposed to be a basic feature, but an advanced one.

We can guide you but we would need to know what have you tried and what didn’t work for you.

Start maybe by posting here the code you used in your hjson and js file.

ok. what i did so far was:
npm i jsonl
after that i created the folder.

This is the folder structure
and the file jsonl.js with that input:

const jsonl = require('jsonl');

exports.jsonl = jsonl;

as i seen in the youtube video it was for a model. do i also need the hjson file for a formatter?

in this thread they only created the slugify.js.

can you tell me what i need to put in my file so that i can select this via the wappler ui?
Or can you give me a tip where i can find the informations?

Thank you very much for your reply

Yes. You need an HJSON file for formatters too.

Here you are:

i have created the hjson and i see it in the ui. Now i have two files in the folder
jsonl.js und jsonl.hjson

  type: 'method_jsonl',
  groupTitle: 'Custom Formatters',
  groupIcon: 'fa fa-lg fa-key',
  addTitle: 'Add JSONL Formatter',
  title: 'JSONL Formatter',
  icon: 'fa fa-lg fa-file-code-o',
  state: 'opened',
  help: 'helptext',
  properties: [
      group: 'JSONL Properties',
      variables: [
          name: 'separator',
          optionName: 'separator',
          title: 'Separator',
          type: 'text',
          serverDataBindings: true,
          defaultValue: '\n',
          help: 'The separator to use between LDJSON objects.'

my jsonl.js looks like that

const jsonl = require('jsonl');
exports.jsonl = jsonl;

when i now try to use it my output is that:

> {"_readableState":{"highWaterMark":16384,"buffer":[],"length":0,"pipes":null,"pipesCount":0,"flowing":false,"ended":false,"endEmitted":false,"reading":false,"calledRead":false,"sync":false,"needReadable":true,"emittedReadable":false,"readableListening":false,"objectMode":false,"defaultEncoding":"utf8","ranOut":false,"awaitDrain":0,"readingMore":false,"decoder":null,"encoding":null},"readable":true,"_events":{},"_eventsCount":2,"_writableState":{"highWaterMark":16384,"objectMode":false,"needDrain":false,"ending":false,"ended":false,"finished":false,"decodeStrings":true,"defaultEncoding":"utf8","length":0,"writing":false,"sync":true,"bufferProcessing":false,"writecb":null,"writelen":0,"buffer":[],"errorEmitted":false},"writable":true,"allowHalfOpen":true,"_transformState":{"needTransform":false,"transforming":false,"writecb":null,"writechunk":null},"_destroyed":false}

What i can try now?

Now you need to perform all the logic in the js file as documented here

const jsonl = require('jsonl');
exports.method_jsonl = function(json) {
  let formatted_json = {};
  Use jsonl() API from Node package
  return formatted_jsonl;


Then you would be able to use the formatter on a json value from Server Connect and it would return it.
Now you just need to figure out the jsonl() code that goes in the formatter.

json parameter of the method_jsonl function contains the unformatted json you are applying the formatter to.

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short update:
i have used your extension:
and that code:

const data = csv;
    const jsonl = => JSON.stringify(item)).join('\n');
    return jsonl;

that works perfect for me.

I’m really glad it was useful for you :slight_smile:
Sometimes some quick scripting is better than building a full extension and that was why the RunJS extension was born.

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