How can I create a direct download from S3 (PDF Files)

Thank you! Do I use it like this from the client side?

Yes, you can use it like that

You are genius @patrick!

Thank you so much for this. That was the solution I was looking for. Now @George have to put an UI for the server action and it is ready to go. :+1:

I tested only the new download server action for the moment but will test the putFile action over the weekend.

Could you also add it for the PHP server model?

I will add the options for the putFile to the PHP version also, need to check on how to implement the download action there.

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I made some tests over the weekend and can confirm that it is working great. It does work with direct route download or with the download component. If I understand S3 correctly it is technically not possible to use the advantages of the download component. For example you can’t use the progress bar.

Did you find a solution for PHP (download action)?

Will this make it to this weeks update? (incl. PHP?)

It should make this weeks update and will include the PHP version.

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This has been fixed in Wappler 3.7.5

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