You can see your ss const is being converted using btoa() in the Authorization field. The btoa function is not standard in Wappler, so you’ll need to set up a custom formatter.
Perhaps I should make a tutorial on how to create your own custom formatters for App Connect.
Here a very simple one for base64 encoding:
dmx.Formatters('string', {
encodeBase64: btoa,
decodeBase64: atob
{{ 'Hello world'.encodeBase64() }} becomes SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
{{ 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ='.decodeBase64() }} becomes Hello world
Writing your own Formatters
All formatters are being placed in the extensions/server_connect/formatters folder. A single file can contain multiple formatters and you can have multiple files. Best practice is to group formatters that belong together in a single file. For example you to keep all array specific formatters in a file called array.js .
File Structure
Here a sample of how such a formatter file looks like.
exports.uppercase = function(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
I would think your API Action would look something like this.