Hash is not defined using Local Storage Manager

Hello! Whenever I set a value in the Local Storage Manager I get this error. The same happens each time I load a page that has this component.


What is the code on your page setting the value?

This is the code to set the value

<a class="dropdown-item" href="#" dmx-on:click="selected.set('proveedor_cod',cod);selected.set('proveedor_nombre',nombre)" dmx-repeat:repeatproveedores="queryProveedores.data.queryProveedores" dmx-text="nombre"></a>

This is what is the data viewed (so whenever I load the page it triggers the error)

<button class="btn dropdown-toggle btn-primary text-truncate" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
                        {{selected.data.proveedor_nombre ? selected.data.proveedor_nombre : 'Seleccionar Proveedor'}}

Are you sure you don’y have any old files in your project?
This has already been fixed

Maybe I have old files. How can I clean them and reinstall it?

Just make sure to upload the latest dmxAppConnect.js to your server and clear your browser cache …

How can I download the latest dmxAppConnect.js ?

It comes with the latest stable update …
Also you can use the project files updater to update it, using the force update option.