Google Maps Dynamic Markers not working

I’m trying to place dynamic markers on a google map. The map zooms to the right lat/lng but the marker is not shown.

I had it in a modal so thought it might be that but moved it out of the modal and it’s still not working.

I ended up using Leaflet for the main site, but I’d like to use Google Maps for the mobile version. I’m still having this same issue.

<dmx-google-maps id="map_single" dmx-bind:latitude="" dmx-bind:longitude="" zoom="15" dmx-bind:markers="" marker-latitude="lat"
                            marker-longitude="lng" marker-label="title" marker-title="title"></dmx-google-maps>

Shows the right area, but not the marker.

Well, please check your browser console for any errors with google maps.

There are no errors. I checked that before posting.

CAn you provide a link to your page please?

Im sorry but can I ask how you implemented leaflet into your main site? I was under the impression that wappler does not supper anything else than google maps.

Hi Albert,

You can use any custom code you want, you just have to write it manually.

Are you familiar with Leaflet or already have it implemented elsewhere? I’m happy to help you get it going, but need to know where you’re starting from!


I did a quick tutorial at A Quick Leaflet Tutorial

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