Get Nested repeat index

We have a form repeat and within this form repeat there is a radio button repeat.
All works fine with 1 item in form itself, but when there are several items - $index is not working for radio buttons is not working, because it takes $index not from form repeat, but from he's repeat.

I found few topic but there was no answers:

@Teodor or @patrick may we ask you to help us?

In nested repeats I usually use a variable to hold the outer repeat and then refer to (nested) inner repeat with $index


variable repeatIndx = $index
-- Nested repeat
---- dmx-value="query[repeatIndx.value].subquery[$index].aValue"

Something like that.. If I understood correctly what you're looking for my friend :slightly_smiling_face:


You are totally right.
Almost forgot about this tricky hack.

Thank you!


:slightly_smiling_face: :beer: