Get element id from a dmx repeat into javascript

The dynamic bindings get updated in a later step, after the component is initialized. The component must have a static id to register itself with. You can also add a dynamic id, but this will only update the id of the dom element and not the name of the component. That means that you can access a component with an expression only by his static name, but you can use the dynamic id for accessing it in the dom.


<video id="video" dmx-bind:id="'video' + $index">

You can access it using an expression with {{}}. In the DOM you can access it with document.getElementById('video0').play().

When elements are in a repeater, it is very difficult to access them from outside the repeater. So easiest is probably to use the DOM method.

So having a look at the code from your first post and changing the javascript to make it work:

<div class="row" is="dmx-repeat" id="repeat2" dmx-bind:repeat="" key="itemlist">
  <div class="player-container">
    <audio dmx-bind:src="Description_Audio_file" onended="ended(this)"></audio>
    <button class="play" onclick="play(this)">Play</button>
  function play(btn) {
    var audio = btn.parentElement.querySelector('audio');
    if (audio.paused) {;
      btn.className = 'pause';
    } else {
      btn.className = 'play';

  function ended(audio) {
    var btn = audio.parentElement.querySelector('button.pause');
    if (btn) btn.className = 'play';

I could use dynamic ids, but that would make it actually more complex. A nice trick, that I also didn’t know would work, is to use dmx-bind with events. Like:


This is a different syntax then dmx-on:click which can only use expressions and call methods from components, with dmx-bind you are able to call javascript functions with dynamic data.


Thank you Patrick for the excellent explanation, this gives me somewhere to work towards, much appreciated.

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Thanks, Patrick, for this valuable input, it works indeed! :wink: :grinning: