Framework7 - AppConnect - API Datasource

Is AppConnect fully compatible with Framework7?? I’m trying to build a Mobile App and followed the steps in the docu to create mobile pages with framework7. It seems to work only partially.
If I use AppConnect / Framework7 and an API Source Component on the index.html page it works fine…I can see data on the page.
But on any sub page that is being routed from index.html the same does not work. Nothing seems to get fired…no data is being displayed in dynamic attributes. Looks like the api source component doesn’t get executed.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi Christian!

Welcome to Wappler!

Check this topic for App Connect and Framework7 sub pages:

Hi George,

thanks for your answer. Yes, I’m using the supplied app.js and it looks exactly like the one in your response.
That is working correctly in my subpage:
<p dmx-text="‘TEST BINDING’">TEST CONTENT</p>
On sub-page load it will replace TEST CONTENT with TEST BINDING

What is NOT working is when I use the api component on the same sub-page:
<dmx-api-datasource id=“api1” is=“dmx-fetch” url=“…’” ></dmx-api-datasource>

<p dmx-text=“[0].projektname”>TEST CONTENT 2</p>
It wont update…

If I add this on the root index.html it will work perfectly…


I have figured it out…and I guess the documentation could be better
That is what you have to do

  1. of course the route to the sub-page has to be a framework7 component url
  2. The standard supplied app.js needs to be tweaked
  3. You have to be careful where you insert the api component->it has to be inside the page div