Framework 7 - Flows doesnt trigger

**Wappler Include Page-Header Details **

<!-- Wappler include head-page="../index.html" appconnect="local" is="dmx-app" cordova="local" framework7_4="local" framework7_2="local" framework7_icons="local" id="matches" components="{dmxAutocomplete:{},dmxFormatter:{},dmxBootbox:{}}" --`


<script is="dmx-flow" id="flowMatches" type="text/dmx-flow">{
  meta: {
    $param: [
      {type: "text", name: "cfid"}
  exec: {
    steps: {
      f7.dialog.confirm: {
        text: "Are you sure ?",
        then: {
          steps: [
              assign: {value: "{{$param.cfid}}", name: "var1", output: true}
              run: {
                action: "{{formUnfriendMatch.friendReject.setValue($param.cfid)}}",
                name: "assign"
              run: {action: "{{formUnfriendMatch.submit()}}", name: "submit"}
        name: "Confirmation",
        output: true


<button class="col button-fill button color-red button-small" dmx-on:click="{cfid: fid})">Reject</button>

I want to use flow in the application with framework 7 4.5. Everything I used to trigger flow above is there. But when the button is clicked, the confirmation box is not displayed and nothing happens. Where do you think the problem is?
is this bug?

Please try Framework7 v5 with App Connect

I will backup the current project and report the result.

test results

After adding Framework 7 5.7.11 With App Connect to the project, I tried again and the result was a white blank page.

I tried the project with Framework 7 5.7.11 Core and the pages came up, but no dynamic features worked. included in routers

I thought there might be a problem with my project and I experimented with the kitchen-sink. Unfortunately, I got the same result as a blank white page.

What are the suggestions I should check?

chrome debug with kicthen-sink

what do you think ? is this bug ?

If you start with a blank project it should be fine. Kitchen sink is not fully compatible with app connect on its own.

The error means that your f7 app root is missing the is=“dmx-f7-app” attribute. Should be added when you use the mobile blank project.

I manually added the missing the is = “dmx-f7-app” attribute and now the page is displayed. But still flows does not work. What else should I check?

(with Framework7 v5 with App Connect)

How do you run the flow?

<button class="col button-fill button color-red button-small" dmx-on:click="{cfid: fid})">Reject</button>

the click events should work fine in the new Framework7 v5 with App Connect - that is exactly why App Connect is now integrated so all events should work fine now from both App Connect and F7

So make sure there are no other errors.

Try to trigger something else like a F7 alert dialog to validate the event is being triggered.