Form error

Hello to all,
I have this form that was working fine. I added a new field and started to not insert into the database. I created a full new form with a new server action too and the same problem. what is this:
Parse error : syntax error, unexpected ‘new’ (T_NEW), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in C:\xxxx\htdocs\alliancenetwork\dmxConnectLib\lib\core\Session.php on line 34

Please check:

Do you know when the fix is expected? If I upgrade to php 7+ all the work that I made in 5.6 might have problems?

No and there is no reason to keep such an old PHP version.

On Thursday, as usual.

Ok, just to be completly clear, If I upgrade to php 7 all the apps that I created in wappler using 5.6 in my server will continue to work as usual? I know I sound pararoic but my business is running at this moment jajajaja

Yes, correct.


This was supposedly fixed in 4.3.1 but I’m getting it with all server actions in 4.3.2. Didn’t want to start a new post with the same error. Because of some depreciated functions this particular app uses, upgrading to PHP 7+ isn’t an easy option at the moment. Not to mention I tried to simply change the php version in my target settings for testing but I’m not sure it actually changes to php 7.

Did the problem was fixed with the updated in order to work with PHP5 again? I still can’t

At this moment has been very difucult to upgrade from php5.6 to php7. There any news if wappler will be abel to work with php5 again? at least some time.

If I use bootstrap 4 instead 5, that will helps? Because I noted that I only have the problem with bootstrap 5. Also how can I change it. If giving me only bootstrap 5 as option but in other projects allow me to choose.