Export Import database data local to remote

Hello, everyone. I’m wondering if there’s a way to export data stored in my local development database to the production environment using Wappler. When publishing through Wappler, it seems to apply only the structural changes without importing or exporting any data. Is there a workaround or a feature within Wappler that allows for the transfer of data between environments?


As far as I know, there is no such thing, probably because it is rarely needed, rather in the opposite direction :slight_smile: But the easiest way is to use regular database managers for export and import.

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Yeah, there is no Wappler way of importing data. You will likely need to use a third party app for that.

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One thing to be aware of is even using a third part app to import your data, it will overwrite any data that has been added remotely. It’s very risky.

Yes but I mean when I am on developing stage. Sometimes I create records or data that need to be published for site deploy. But I need to enter Mysql to export import. It s nothing complicated but I like the publisher on wappler. I was hopping to do this too.

Are you aware of Wappler seeds?

As for moving data from local to remote, without using Wappler seeds, is using software like DBeaver: