Example of using the API Auth2

How do you use this?

We do not have tutorials on this tool.

Can someone do some example tutorial.

@Teodor please.



Hello Adriano,
The logic here is:

  1. In your server action you setup first the Oauth provider with all the settings from the specific provider documentation
  2. You add the Authorize step to get authorization from the provider you defined in step 1.

Then when you get the authorization you can use the API which requires it and do whatever you need as per their documentation.

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Can show an example usage ?

You can use Firebase, showing how to authenticate to post and receive data

Well the simplest example i can think of - authorize with google and list files from your google drive:

It really depends on the oauth provider documentation. There is no point to copy their documentation where it’s already explained how to use it …

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you could do a tutorial with https://firebase.google.com/ please

What kind of tutorial do you need Adriano?
Do you want me to go, copy the documentation of firebase and paste it here?

something like that please

A tutorial showing the use of Auth2

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If you can not ok

I really do not know how to use this

It’s just following this logic:

  1. In your server action you setup first the Oauth provider with all the settings from the specific provider documentation

  2. You add the Authorize step to get authorization from the provider you defined in step 1.

  3. Call the API which requires this authorization and use it per its documentation

thanks nevil thanks

Before when dmxzone released an extension, it came with videos showing how to use.

for me it was very good, now I have to be guessing.

That is exactly what you need to setup your Oauth provider step and then the Authorize step … you just copy the values from the docs and paste them in the UI:

I will see what we can do but that’s not just something straightforward that can be explained in a tutorial.

@nevil we do provide support and that is the purpose of our community which, by the way, has reached about 2000 members.
I do notice that in every post about anything related to Wappler you are somehow unfriendly/negative and i am not sure why is this? You seem not to like spending time explaining your exact question/problem detailed so that we can help you.

I just don’t see a straightforward way to make a single tutorial which explains how to use all the oAuth 2 providers out there as this tutorial would only point to their documentation, where you can find the info about what to copy and paste in Wappler UI. Would this be helpful, or would it rise more questions?


how do i find my client_id and secret_id ?

sorry for ignorance but this really is very new to me.

That is different for each oauth2 provider and it is explained in their documentation.
That is why i am trying to explain to you - the issue is not in our tutorial, it’s you have to follow the oauth2 provider docs: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2

I think that for me, it will not :rofl::rofl::joy:

I do not even know where to begin with

thanks Teodor.

If you had some use examples, with facebook, and google.

I could see how it is with other apis, but these 2 are primordial.

Adriano, i think you are not getting the point of OAuth 2 Provider.

It does not magically allow you to manage every service out there, write data, create magical website login dialogs or stuff like that.

What the OAuth 2 does is to connect to the selected provider (Google, Facebook etc.) and to authorize your request.
Once authorized you can call any API out there, which requires this authorization.

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@AdrianoLuiz if you mean Facebook client id and secret you will find the option in your Facebook developers console.

@AdrianoLuiz Dude, at least make an effort to understand what OAuth is and how is it used with Google, Facebook and others.
You haven’t event clicked the link Teodor provided!

If you don’t make an effort to understand OAuth2, or any other protocol for that matter, there are no Wappler tutorials that will help you.


If you want to use Server Connect for reading and writing a Realtime Database from Firebase then you should read the documentation for REST (https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/rest/start?authuser=0).

The Realtime Database doesn’t need authentication when it is public, when it is needed then you use the google oauth2 (https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/rest/auth?authuser=0). Documentation tells you the required scopes.