Error when saving pages and won't save

OS info

  • Operating System : Mac OSX 17.6.0
  • Wappler Version : 1.0.4

Problem description

There is an error message now in 1.0.4 when saving a file and the changes don’t save.


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May be related to:

If I change target to local the error does not come up and save is successful. However, no way to upload/publish the file.

What type of FTP is your target?

Could you send me the Wappler debug log

Where do I find the log file?

same issue here after the update

Also using the Mac version?

i am using windows 10

Could you also tell about your active target - and is it with FTP? As well what kind.
And also send the wappler debug log please (422.3 KB)

we identified the problem - fix will be available in a minute

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version 1.0.5 is available now with the fix