Error sending form data to email

had an issue with mt form — did debuging test and my server says the following… (how do i fix at my end?
Unexpected character in input: ‘\’ (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/odessa/

on line 5.

more info
On 1/20/2019 6:53 AM, Norman Clifton wrote:

I am having problems with a form on a website build working

Can you have a quick look at it when u get a moment
I had same issue with a send mail function from another website I was working on Using server connect the server settings at my end required the SMTP to be changed in the Setup Mailer properties to use ‘localhost’ port 25 leaving server name and password blank.

Can you white list the email: re
Furthermore my spam blocker on server was delaying emails being sent to me so we needed to create and change the email from to “webinquiry@xxxx” (and white list it) in the Send Mail properties for any of the websites I do.
When I run a debugging in chrome developer tools I gert the following error when trying to use the form
gt; ;!function(){var t,e,n,o=0,u=function(t,e){return"function"!=typeof

> t||t.replaced?t:(e.replaced=!0,e)};if("undefined"!=typeof

> CustomEvent&&"function"==typeof window.dispatchEvent){var

> r=function(t){try{if("object"==typeof

> t&&(t=JSON.stringify(t)),"string"==typeof t)return

> window.dispatchEvent(new

> CustomEvent("lprequeststart",{detail:{data:t,requestID:++o}})),o}catch

> (t){}},s=function(t){try{window.dispatchEvent(new

> CustomEvent("lprequestend",{detail:t}))}catch(t){}};"undefined"!=typeo

> f

> XMLHttpRequest&&XMLHttpRequest.prototype&&XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sen

> d&&(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send=u(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send,(n=X

> MLHttpRequest.prototype.send,function(t){var e=this,o=r(t);return

> o&&e.addEventListener("loadend",function(){s({requestID:o,statusCode:e

> .status})}),n.apply(e,arguments)}))),"function"==typeof

> fetch&&(fetch=u(fetch,(e=fetch,function(t,n){var

> o=r(n),u=e.apply(this,arguments);if(o){var

> c=function(t){s({requestID:o,statusCode:t&&t.status})};u.then©.catch

> ©}return u})));var c=function(t){return

> u(t,function(){try{this.dispatchEvent(new

> CustomEvent("lpsubmit"))}catch(t){}return

> t.apply(this,arguments)})},i=function(){if(document&&document.forms&&d

> ocument.forms.length>0)for(var

> t=0;t<document.forms.length;++t)document.forms[t].submit=c(

> rms[t].submit)};document&&"interactive"===document.readyState||"comple

> te"===document.readyState?i():window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoade

> d",i,!0),Document.prototype.createElement=u(Document.prototype.createE

> lement,(t=Document.prototype.createElement,function(){var

> e=t.apply(this,arguments);return

> e&&"FORM"===e.nodeName&&e.submit&&(e.submit=c(e.submit)),e}))}}();


Hello Norman,
Please enable detailed error reporting on your server as currently i don’t see the exact error message returned by the server action.

thanks - will find it when i am back at home computer
i have debugging enabled and output checked = is it in developer tools i assume

I am not referring to server connect options.
I am referring to your server settings related to detailed error reporting.

Also - are you sure you are running a recent PHP version and not some old one like PHP 5.2 or below?

that’s it - server is running php-5.2.9 - they will move site to a new server
will be sure to check on my other websites before spending time trying to make it work ---- thanks

1 Like

PHP 5.2.x is really old already.
Make sure to use a recent version, like 7.x for example, or at least anything above 5.3…

i will - my server provider uses several different servers - just need to ensure my sites go on the correct ones thanks