Enter Animation Delay Not Working

I have set two Enter Animations on two titles. I need them to animate one after another, and wait a second before first one starts.
But, the delay value does not seem to be working. Both animations play at the same time after page load.


<h1 style="float: left;" class="fontTop font-weight-bold align-self-center" dmx-animate-enter.delay:1000="lightSpeedIn">express</h1>
<h1 style="float: left;" class="fontBottom font-weight-bold align-self-center" dmx-animate-enter.delay:3000="tada">express</h1>

Any help?

Enter and Leave animations are for elements in a Repeat Children Region only, not for static content.

  • Enter animation - when the element is rendered on the page in the repeat region.

Oh. Alright, thanks.

It’s already possible in Wappler 1.7.4 to use delay with inview animations: Animation Delay Options