Electron Settings missing?

I tried the Wappler Electron tutorial and it didn’t work as expected, however, I thought give it a second try, and again:

  • After installing Capacitor, I had to restart Wappler to enable the Platform menu
  • After adding/installing Electron, there is no Electron settings in the project to define window size and icons.
  • Also, the app window opens with the chrome debugger on the right side, nothing I would expect?

Here’s what I did:

Create new project with Capacitor:

Capacitor is installed

Restarting Wappler to activate the platform menu, adding Electron:
CleanShot 2023-01-17 at 10.19.33@2x

Electron gets installed:

Confirm Electron is the active platform for this project:
CleanShot 2023-01-17 at 10.21.11@2x

Check project settings, no Electron settings as expected:

Running the app loads a screen with enabled Chrome Dev Tools:

Is this the expected behavior?

We don’t manage any specific Electron settings.

Which settings do you need?

Acording to the tutorial:

There should be a project settings for Desktop/Electron specific settings?

Hi did you get an answer on this?