Dynamic Tooltips/Popovers

Ah, there it is. I will give it a try and I am sure I will have questions. Like in the content part it seems you can only add one expression?

Thanks man! Will be spending it with Wappler. lol

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Hmm you should be able to add more than one expression I believe. Not in front of my computer, but will check that later.

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What are you trying to add brad?

I have a repeat region with titles of programs that our company has run in the past. On hover of those titles I will be showing a popover with the program title, short description and government it was funded by.

I have four columns in my table:

1: Unique Id
2: Program Title
3: Description
4: Funding Source

Doesn’t seem like I can add more than one expression to the content so I may have to merge the data in columns 3 and 4 into one column.

How about adding: expression1 + expression 2 + expression3 manually?

I will try manually since there seems to be a bug in the dynamic picker.

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I will check this tomorrow morning :slight_smile:

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try manually adding:


It should be just expression - no {{}}

Just tested wiih {{, may be wrong but it worked anyway - :grinning:

I think I will have to redo my data table structure. The problem with the suggested way is there is no way to format the content it will just display as one long sentence.

I may need to combine the description and funding source into one column and add HTML to it to provide the content formatting. And then just add it as a single expression.

You can use HTML in popover body :slight_smile:

<h4> expression1 </h4><p> expression2 </p>

etc. just make sure to check the enable HTML option in the UI.

So you can add the HTML right in the expression? That would be awesome.

Yes you can add HTML tags there, but don’t forget to use the enable HTML option :slight_smile:

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Just tested and following Teodor’s advice


does indeed work perfectly with the Allow HTML option checked.

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Adding the HTML to the expression worked wonderfully. However, in the end I merged the description and funding column data into one column with HTML. The reason I took that extra step was so that I had more flexibility in the content. Adding it to the expression limited me to that exact structure of information while adding the HTML to the actual data instead gave me more flexibility on the content.

Wappler is fun! It’s a good Wappler day for me.

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Trying to use tooltips in form fields. Am I correct in my conclusion that they will not work for Summernote textareas?

You cannot use tooltips in summernote.

Noted, thanks